Welcome to Fire Safety Awareness Training for Uniserve


Who will this course help?

This course has been developed for all responsible persons, supervisors and managers to raise awareness of the risks and consequences of a fire in the workplace.


What lessons will you cover?

There are 4 lessons within this course and once you have completed them there will be a short set of test questions, then you will be ready to play your part in safeguarding against a workplace fire.

  1. The Legal Requirements and Management
  2. The Causes of Fire and the Behaviour of Smoke
  3. The Duties of a Fire Warden
  4. The Use of Fire Extinguishers

What will you achieve?

By the end of this course you will be able to,

  • Understand the legal responsibilities of an employer and employee regarding fire safety in the workplace.
  • Gain an understanding of the causes of fire, the combustion triangle and how smoke behaves.
  • Know what action to take in the event of a fire.
  • Be able to identify classes of fire and the correct extinguishers for each.