Welcome to Air Departures for Overseas Partners


Who will this course help?

Take this course if you want to become an expert in Airfreight. Dive into the world of exports using our helpful videos, insightful lessons and then test your knowledge with our quizzes.


What lessons will you cover?


There are 7 lessons within this course and once you have completed them all you are ready to go.

  1. PO Managed Customers & Non PO Managed Customers: Defining the different customer requirements and system interfaces in order to create a new origin cargo booking
  2. Managing Bookings that Exceed Utilisation Limits: What to do if your booking volumes are greater than the utilisation limits
  3. The Origin Cargo Booking: Creating a new booking to communicate the request to ship goods
  4. Origin Cargo Booking Approval: Ensuring the booking has met the standards set by the customer and the booking can proceed to the next stages
  5. CFS Receipt: Cross checking what has arrived in to the warehouse against what was booked by the vendor or customer
  6. CFS Load Manifest and Acknowledgment: Allocating multiple bookings to a unit per customer to ensure fleet utilisation
  7. Transport Manifest: Notifying the arrivals team that the goods have left origin on the flight and are on their way to the destination
  8. Document Manager: Uploading the shipping documents to share with our global network


What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to…


  • Notify the global network of a booking being created and approve the booking for international movement
  • Utilise the tools within One World to successfully communicate with our entire global network
  • Efficiently manage and complete the departures process within one world, right up to the point of the transport leaving the port of origin
  • Reduce the amount of duplicated work and email through excellent practices in One World